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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *说* | 说* | *说
to speak; to talk; to say / to explain; to comment / to scold; to tell off / (bound form) theory; doctrine
theory / CL: 個|个 / to argue / to take notice of
principle / theory
to put an end to / to annihilate / to cause to perish / to perish / annihilation (in quantum field theory)
to inspect and verify / experimental verification / to validate (a theory) / to authenticate
HSK 7-9
  *虚* | 虚* | *虚
emptiness / void / abstract theory or guiding principles / empty or unoccupied / diffident or timid / false / humble or modest / (of health) weak / virtual / in vain
HSK 7-9
theory / doctrine
HSK 7-9
(of diverse emotions) to occur simultaneously; to intermingle / common ground; points of commonality; overlap; connection / interaction; dealings / (math.) (set theory) intersection
HSK 7-9
idea / concept / philosophy / theory
HSK 7-9
profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhism) / mysterious principles
HSK 7-9
  *论* | 论* | *论
opinion / view / theory / doctrine / to discuss / to talk about / to regard / to consider / per / by the (kilometer, hour etc)
practice (customary action, as opposed to theory) / practical
to distinguish oneself through one's writing (one the three imperishables 三不朽) / to expound one's theory
philosophic theory / philosophy
the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in name than in fact / Reality does not live up to the name. / Excellent theory, but the practice does not bear it out.
saturation (color theory)
graph theory (math.)
Actual practice is the sole criterion for judging truth (item from Deng Xiaoping theory, from 1978)
music theory
to refute / to demolish (an argument, theory etc)
empty set (set theory)
field theory (physics)
number theory (math.)
(of an argument, theory etc) full of flaws (idiom)
(of an argument, theory etc) full of flaws (idiom)
to sit and pontificate; to find answers through theory and not through practice (idiom)
Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), German meteorologist and geophysicist, the originator of the theory of continental drift
to write a book advancing one's theory (idiom)
accepted theory or formulation
geocentric theory
"human nature is evil", theory advocated by Xunzi 荀子
to actually do (sth) (as opposed to learning how to do it from books etc) / practice (as opposed to theory) (abbr. for 實際操作|实际操作)
urban legend (translation of recent Western term) / story or theory circulated as true / same as 都市傳奇|都市传奇
the theory of Mencius that people are by nature good
theory of heat / heat transmission (physics)
profound theory / philosophical theory of Wei and Jin 玄學|玄学 sect
Dalton (name) / John Dalton (1766-1844), British scientist who contributed to atomic theory
union (symbol ∪) (set theory) (Tw)
Lewin (name) / Kurt Lewin (1890-1944), German-American psychologist of the Gestalt school known for his field theory of behavior
disenchantment (as in Max Weber's sociological theory)
to make a story or theory consistent; to give a plausible explanation; to plug the holes in one's story
direct product (in set theory)
slave-owning society (precedes feudal society 封建社會|封建社会 in Marxist theory)
oneness of heaven and humanity / the theory that man is an integral part of nature
Chen-Ning Franklin Yang (1922-), theoretical physicist, co-developer of Yang-Mills gauge theory, 1957 Nobel laureate
theory of relativity
information theory
working people / the workers of Socialist theory or of the glorious Chinese past
collectivization (in Marxist theory)
qualitative theory
(math.) theory of functions of a real variable
Cantor (name) / Georg Cantor (1845-1918), German mathematician, founder of set theory 集合論|集合论
general relativity / Einstein's theory of gravity
perturbation theory
(math.) chaos theory
(math.) theory of functions of a complex variable
epistemology (in philosophy, the theory of how we know things)
Darwin's theory of evolution
conspiracy theory
seven emotional states / seven affects of traditional Chinese medical theory and therapy, namely: joy , anger , anxiety 憂|忧, thought , grief , fear , fright 驚|惊 / seven relations
thirty six initial consonants of Song phonetic theory
cross entropy (information theory)
algebraic function theory (math.)
Galois theory (math.)
Galois theory (math.)
interactive theory
union (symbol ∪) (set theory)
Thucydides trap (theory that war results when a dominant established power fears the rise of a rival power)
theory proposed in 2019 on Chinese social media, centering on the idea of China replacing the United States as the dominant nation in a new world order, drawing an analogy with the Manchu overthrow of the Ming dynasty, achieved after the Qing army entered China via the Shanhai Pass 入關|入关
classification theory
exploiting class (in Marxist theory)
game theory
atomic theory
theory of reflection (in dialectic materialism), i.e. every perception reflects physical reality
the Goldbach conjecture in number theory
theory of single origin (of mankind)
Felix Klein's Erlangen program (1872) on geometry and group theory
additive number theory (math.)
the theory of evolution (early translation, since replaced by 進化論|进化论)
(control theory) settling time
Bakuninism, the political and social theories associated with the Russian revolutionary and anarchist Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876)
constructivist theory
string theory (physics)
string theory (in theoretical physics)
control theory (math.) / cybernetics
heliocentric theory / the theory that the sun is at the center of the universe
proletariat / abbr. for 普羅列塔利亞|普罗列塔利亚 plus masses / also written 無產階級|无产阶级 in PRC Marxist theory
Proudhonism, 19th century socialist theory
the theory of curves
the theory of surfaces
minimalist theory
scheme theory (math.)
modularity theory
contingency theory (theory of leadership)
historical materialism (Marx's theory of history)
attribution theory (psychology)
Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory & the Three Represents (abbr. for 毛澤東思想|毛泽东思想 + 鄧小平理論|邓小平理论 + 三個代表|三个代表)
democratic revolution / bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude to the proletarian revolution)
pantheism, theological theory equating God with the Universe
pandeism, theological theory that God created the Universe and became one with it

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