Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

Welcome to the MDBG free online English to Chinese dictionary, the no. 1 Chinese study aid! This website offers more than just a Chinese to English and English to Chinese dictionary, it offers various tools such as: flashcards, quizzes, text annotation, Chinese text input, written Chinese and more. The MDBG dictionary is used in many schools and universities all over the world, discover why! Learn Chinese faster with MDBG!

Chinese dictionary for Windows 10

MDBG Chinese Reader is the perfect dictionary application for Microsoft Windows. Translate Chinese text and Lookup Mandarin pinyin for Chinese words easily. Just glide your mouse over the Chinese text and a pop-up window shows English translations and Mandarin pronunciations. Learn Chinese faster with MDBG!

MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary for macOS

Do you use Windows 10? Please check out or Windows software instead.

Offline dictionary

Looking for an easy to use offline Chinese-English dictionary for macOS? Look no further! With the MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary for macOS you can quickly look up Chinese words using Chinese characters, Mandarin pinyin or the English definition. An internet connection is not required for using the dictionary, so you can use it anywhere, any time!

Look up result


Try it FREE

A free trial version of the MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary for macOS is available for download:

The trial version does not have a time limit but its content is limited to HSK level 1-4 words (Elementary & Intermediate, approximately 3000 entries). The full version features over 120.000 entries.

Please follow the instructions below if you see the following error during installation: “Installer.pkg” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software

The error appears on macOS 10.15 Catalina due to new security policies.

Please follow the instructions below if you see the following error during installation: “Installer.pkg” can’t be opened because it was not downloaded from the Mac App Store.


You can purchase the full version of the MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary for macOS in our webshop:

buy now

Please try the free trial version before purchasing this product to ensure compatibility with your system.


Mouse over hover translation (as featured in MDBG Chinese Reader) is not supported by the MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary for macOS. It is possible to get popup translation in some programs such as Safari. To use the popup translations, install the full version of MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary for macOS and follow the instructions in the User Guide to set it up correctly. While using a program such as Safari, hover your mouse cursor over a Chinese word and press CMD-CTRL-D or use a three finger tap on the touchpad. A popup with the translation should appear. Sometimes OS X refuses to show translations for certain words / characters (due to limitations in OS X), it might help to select the word or character manually and press CMD-CTRL-D again.

Did you know that Chinese text input is bundled with macOS? This page explains how to enable it.

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Tip: In the character dictionary, entering multiple pinyin syllables will result in multiple searches on one result page.
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