The word dictionary of this website is based on CC-CEDICT. CC-CEDICT is a continuation of the CEDICT project started by Paul Denisowski in 1997 with the aim to provide a complete downloadable Chinese to English dictionary with pronunciation in pinyin for the Chinese characters. This website allows you to easily add new entries or correct existing entries in CC-CEDICT. Submitted entries will be checked and processed frequently and released for download in CEDICT format on this page.
The format of CC-CEDICT is described on the CC-CEDICT Wiki.
Latest release: 2024-09-16 00:13:36 GMT
Number of entries: 122507 - CC-CEDICT in UTF-8, with both traditional and simplified Chinese (ZIP archive format)
cedict_1_0_ts_utf-8_mdbg.txt.gz - CC-CEDICT in UTF-8, with both traditional and simplified Chinese (GZip format)
Please note: this download only contains a CC-CEDICT database file, it does not contain a dictionary program. You will need a CEDICT compatible application to open this file.
CC-CEDICT is used by many programs, among which:
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