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  *地* | 地* | *地
earth / ground / field / place / land / CL:
the earth
life (one's time on earth)
  *土* | 土* | *土
earth / dust / clay / local / indigenous / crude opium / unsophisticated / one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音
the human world / the earth
heaven and earth / world / scope / field of activity
HSK 7-9
  *拱* | 拱* | *拱
to cup one's hands in salute / to surround / to arch / to dig earth with the snout / arched
HSK 7-9
atmosphere (surrounding the earth) / imposing; impressive; stylish
HSK 7-9
earth; soil; mud; clay
HSK 7-9
plain / simple / guileless / down-to-earth / sincere and honest
HSK 7-9
lit. heaven's law and earth's principle (idiom); fig. right and proper / right and unalterable / a matter of course
HSK 7-9
to split heaven and earth apart (idiom); refers to the Pangu 盤古|盘古 creation myth
HSK 7-9
sky and the earth turning upside down (idiom); fig. complete confusion / everything turned on its head
HSK 7-9
earth / mother earth
HSK 7-9
  *坤* | 坤* | *坤
one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦, symbolizing earth / female principle // ancient Chinese compass point: 225° (southwest)
cubic meter of earth (unit of measurement) / excavated soil / earthwork (abbr. for 土方工程) / (TCM) folk remedy
  *埵* | 埵* | *埵
solid earth
  *梩* | 梩* | *梩
basket for removing earth / spade
  *輿* | 輿* | *輿
(literary) chassis of a carriage (contrasted with the canopy ) / (literary) (fig.) the earth (while the carriage canopy is a metaphor for heaven); land; territory / (literary) carriage / (literary) sedan chair; palanquin / (bound form) the multitudes; the people; the public
to tamp / to ram (earth etc)
  *塵* | 塵* | *塵
dust / dirt / earth
the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind (Buddhism) / the four freedoms: speaking out freely, airing views fully, holding great debates, and writing big-character posters, 大鳴大放|大鸣大放, 大辯論|大辩论, 大字報|大字报 (PRC)
  *培* | 培* | *培
to bank up with earth / to cultivate (lit. or fig.) / to train (people)
lit. to descend to earth (of an immortal) / to be born
Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (to save all souls before accepting Bodhi) / also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva
(of an emperor) to pay homage to Heaven at Mount Tai and to Earth at Mount Liangfu
a genius (literally, an immortal who has been banished from heaven to live on earth), an epithet for exceptional individuals such as the Tang poet Li Bai 李白 / (fig.) banished official
expert / scholar / mother earth / a type of green tea
lit. to upend heaven and earth (idiom) / fig. to change the course of events / to turn things around
on earth
  *垏* | 垏* | *垏
(literary) earth ridge between fields / (used in place names)
the whole earth / the universe
yin and yang; heaven and earth; the universe
lit. as different as sky and earth (idiom) / fig. night and day difference / opposite extremes / a world of difference / a far cry from
five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood , fire , earth , metal , water
Vala (Middle-earth)
earth (electric connection) / to earth
  *堪* | 堪* | *堪
(bound form) may; can / (bound form) to endure; to bear / (in 堪輿|堪舆) heaven (contrasted with earth 輿|舆)
beyond the earth / outer space
world / earth
  *雘* | 雘* | *雘
red earth used for paints
  *祇* | 祇* | *祇
god of the earth
the earth's axis
lithosphere (in geology, the rigid crust of the earth)
domain / territory under one's control / foundation of a building / base of operations / crust of earth
Kṣitigarbha, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (to save all souls before accepting Bodhi) / also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva
earth God
lit. hiding the sky and covering the earth (idiom); fig. earth-shattering / omnipresent / of universal importance
the earth quaked, the mountains shook (idiom); a tremendous battle
  *坋* | 坋* | *坋
dust / to dust / a bank of earth / to bring together / to dig / also pr. [fen4]
the surface (of the earth)
lit. able to support both heaven and earth / of indomitable spirit (idiom)
(idiom) during one's lifetime; while one is on this earth; in one's remaining years
Shangri-la, the beautiful, idyllic land of James Hilton's 1933 novel "Lost Horizon"; a paradise on earth / Shangri-La, a county-level city in Yunnan that takes its name from the fictional land of the 1933 novel
state / country / the Gods of earth and grain
to obliterate completely / to vanish from the face of the earth
not to know the immensity of heaven and earth / an exaggerated opinion of one's own abilities
the sky spins, the earth goes round (idiom); giddy with one's head spinning / fig. huge changes in the world
  *坴* | 坴* | *坴
a clod of earth / land
earth (wire) / ground
earth-moving machine / mechanical digger
Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (to save all souls before accepting Bodhi) / also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva
heaven and earth (idiom)
(coll.) (emphasizing a rhetorical question) what / what kind / why on earth
an earth-shaking noise (idiom)
lit. made by Heaven and arranged by Earth(idiom) / ideal / perfect / (of a match) made in heaven / to be made for one another
earth-shattering / breakthrough / remarkable and original work
neither fish nor fowl / resembling nothing on earth
to shake heaven and earth (idiom)
hell on earth (idiom); suffering the torments of Buddhist hell while still alive / fig. having an uncomfortable time
to heap earth (to close a tomb) / a mound (covering a tomb)
to fortify defenses and raze the fields (idiom); to leave nothing for the invader / scorched earth policy
the Earth's crust
to worship heaven and earth / ritual kneeling by bride and groom in a old-fashioned wedding ceremony / also called 拜堂
rare earth element (chemistry)
saline and alkaline (earth)
alkaline earth (i.e. beryllium Be 鈹|铍, magnesium Mg 鎂|镁, calcium Ca 鈣|钙, strontium Sr 鍶|锶, barium Ba 鋇|钡 and radium Ra 鐳|镭)
pair of annual sacrificial ceremonies held by the emperor in ancient times: one in the southern suburbs of the capital (bringing offerings to Heaven) and another in the northern suburbs (with offerings to Earth)
lit. there is no road to the sky, nor door into the earth (idiom) / fig. to be at the end of one's rope / to be trapped in a hopeless situation
low Earth orbit (LEO)
Arirang, famous Korean song of love and tragic separation, based on folk tale from Georyo dynasty / Arirang, series of Korean earth observation space satellites
vanished from the face of the earth / all gone / nothing left
Look out for yourself, or heaven and earth will combine to destroy you. / Every man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost.
sky and the earth turning upside down (idiom); fig. complete confusion / everything turned on its head
burial (in earth)
  *垍* | 垍* | *垍
hard earth
the earth's core / geocentric
as different as heaven and earth (idiom) / worlds apart
lit. to topple the mountains and overturn the seas (idiom); earth-shattering / fig. gigantic / of spectacular significance
lit. hiding the sky and covering the earth (idiom); fig. earth-shattering / omnipresent / of universal importance
lit. overturning seas and rivers (idiom) / fig. overwhelming / earth-shattering / in a spectacular mess
  *畚* | 畚* | *畚
a basket or pan used for earth, manure etc
earth's gravity
heaven falls and earth rends (idiom); rocked by a major disaster / fig. violent revolution / major social upheaval
heaven and earth / yin and yang
clay ox / mound of earth on a dike (ready for emergency repairs)
lit. overturning heaven and earth (idiom); earth-shattering / a radical change
equator (of the earth or a celestial body) / celestial equator

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