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  *土* | 土* | *土
earth / dust / clay / local / indigenous / crude opium / unsophisticated / one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音
land / soil / territory / CL: , 塊|块
potato (CL:個|个) / (Tw) peanut (CL:顆|颗)
one's native country / native / local / metropolitan territory
HSK 7-9
country's territory / national land
HSK 7-9
earth; soil; mud; clay
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
concrete (building material)
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
to dig up / to appear in an excavation / unearthed / to come up out of the ground
HSK 7-9
locally born and bred / indigenous / home-grown
HSK 7-9
natural conditions and social customs of a place / local conditions
Turkmen / (Tw, HK) Turkmenistan
cubic meter of earth (unit of measurement) / excavated soil / earthwork (abbr. for 土方工程) / (TCM) folk remedy
Turkish (language)
Tuku town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县, Taiwan
Saturn (planet)
native / aborigine / clay figure
to plow (loosen the soil)
Rutog county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Ru thog rdzong
Tucheng city in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan
local specialty
to break ground / to start digging / to plough / to break through the ground (of seedling) / fig. the start of a building project
lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom) / fig. to regroup and come back even stronger / to make a comeback
Tucheng city in New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan
to guard one's territory / to protect the country
kaolin (clay) / china clay
sliced bread (loanword from "toast") / government-appointed hereditary tribal headman in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties
civil engineering
(Buddhism) Pure Land, usually refers to Amitabha Buddha's Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss (Sukhavati in Sanskrit)
rustic / uncouth / unsophisticated
Tuku town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县, Taiwan
Tumed left banner, Mongolian Tümed züün khoshuu, in Hohhot 呼和浩特, Inner Mongolia
free-range chicken
building / construction / civil engineering
local tyrant / local strong man / (slang) nouveau riche
to break ground (prior to building sth) / to start building
Tujia ethnic group of Hunan
(Tw) debris flow / mudslide
native soil / one's native land / one's hometown / local (to an area)
mound / hillock / barrow
Shizhu Tujia Autonomous County in Chongqing 重慶|重庆
Youyang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County in Chongqing 重慶|重庆
soil conservation
earth God
aardwolf (Proteles cristatus), a small insectivorous relative of the hyena
waste soil (excavation waste, contaminated soil etc) / (post-apocalyptic) wasteland
reinforced concrete
  *土* | 土* | *土
Tu (ethnic group) / surname Tu
Loess Plateau of northwest China
Xiushan Tujia and Miao Autonomous County in Chongqing 重慶|重庆
Pengshui Miao and Tujia Autonomous County in southeastern Chongqing 重慶|重庆
red soil / laterite
Tudi Gong, the local tutelary god (in Chinese folk religion)
produced locally / local product (with distinctive native features)
local conditions and customs (idiom)
potter's clay / kaolin
head and face filthy with grime (idiom) / covered in dirt / dejected and depressed
heaven and earth (idiom)
country bumpkin / boor / unsophisticated country person (humble, applied to oneself) / burial mound
the East / China
lit. piling up dirt eventually creates a mountain (idiom) / fig. success is the cumulation of lots of small actions
to localize / localization
mound / hillock
(neologism c. 2015) (slang) (used jokingly) to live on dirt (typically because one has spent all one's money on consumer items)
combining native and foreign methods (idiom); sophisticated and many-sided
native dog / mole cricket (colloquial word for agricultural pest Gryllotalpa 螻蛄|蝼蛄)
homeland / hot piece of real estate
to heap earth (to close a tomb) / a mound (covering a tomb)
Toulon (city in France)
to carry out large scale construction
lit. to squander money like dirt (idiom) / fig. to spend money like water / extravagant
loess (yellow sandy soil typical of north China)
ground beetle / (coll.) professional or entrepreneur who, unlike a 海歸|海归, has never studied overseas / (dialect) country bumpkin
alkaline soil
pedology (soil study)
territorial integrity
Titan (moon of Saturn), aka Saturn VI
Datong Hui and Tu autonomous county in Xining 西寧|西宁, Qinghai
buried and at rest (idiom); Resquiescat in pacem (RIP)
land reform
unsophisticated / rustic / uncouth
vernacular / slang / dialect / patois
mashed potato
rare earth element (chemistry)
temperature of the soil
alkaline earth (i.e. beryllium Be 鈹|铍, magnesium Mg 鎂|镁, calcium Ca 鈣|钙, strontium Sr 鍶|锶, barium Ba 鋇|钡 and radium Ra 鐳|镭)
local tyrant
local bosses, shady gentry (idiom); dominant local mafia
humus (topsoil of decayed vegetation)
dialect / patois

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