| | structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc | HSK 2 |
| | to pass / to spend (time) / measure / limit / extent / degree of intensity / degree (angles, temperature etc) / kilowatt-hour / classifier for events and occurrences | HSK 2 |
| | degree of difficulty | HSK 3 |
| | degree; level; extent | HSK 3 |
| | doctor (as an academic degree) / (old) person specialized in a skill or trade / (old) court academician | HSK 5 |
| | master's degree / person who has a master's degree / learned person | HSK 5 |
| | height / altitude / elevation / high degree / highly / CL: 個|个 | HSK 5 |
| | academic degree / place in school | HSK 5 |
| | number of times / frequency / order number (in a series) / power (math.) / degree of a polynomial (math.) | HSK 6 |
| | bachelor's degree / person holding a university degree | HSK 7-9 |
| | stage; degree (to which a situation has evolved) / a (usu. bad) situation / leeway | HSK 7-9 |
| | to major (in a field) / to study a specialty to obtain a higher degree | HSK 7-9 |
| | the slightest amount or degree / a bit | HSK 7-9 |
| | °C (degrees Celsius) | HSK 7-9 |
| | the degree of suspicion that a woman might, after she marries, cheat on her husband (abbr. for "paternity uncertainty") | |
| | to increase by degrees / in increasing order / incremental / progressive | |
| | number of degrees / reading (on a meter) / strength (alcohol, lenses etc) | |
| | place (in numbered sequence) / degree on employment scale | |
| | (lit. quantity of spirit) / moral character / degree of forbearance / broad-mindedness or otherwise / tolerance / magnanimity | |
| | suburbs or outskirts / one of the five degrees of official mourning attire in dynastic China / official in charge of fields (old) | |
| | degree of disparity / equal difference | |
| | to cough up blood / (coll.) (used figuratively to indicate an extreme degree of anger or frustration etc) | |
| | degree of reduction (in prices, numbers etc) / decline / drop | |
| | comes at the end of the sentence to indicate a strong degree / quite / rather | |
| | perfect / excellent / brought to the utmost degree | |
| | zero degree | |
| | so / such / to such a degree | |
| | severity (of the case) / degree of seriousness / whether sth is slight or serious | |
| | to beat a prisoner (to obtain confessions) / to give sb the third degree / to torture | |
| | degree / extent / allotted share | |
| | degree of earthquake (on magnitude scale) | |
| | xiaolian, two examination subjects in Han, later a single subject in Ming and Qing / successful second degree candidate | |
| | salty and unsalty (flavors) / degree of saltiness / brackish (water) | |
| | to the bone / to the marrow / fig. to a very large degree | |
| | complementary angle (additional angle adding to 90 degrees) | |
| | first / first time / once / (math.) linear (of degree one) | |
| | Baume degrees | |
| | to have (an attribute) to a small degree; to have a touch of | |
| | higher degree (e.g. equation in math.) | |
| | to go down by degrees / progressively decreasing | |
| | to inquire about / to give sb the third degree | |
| | degree of seriousness of an illness / patient's condition | |
| | third / three times / (math.) degree three, cubic (equation) | |
| | somewhat / to some degree | |
| | second degree | |
| | comparative degree | |
| | degree of credibility / reliability | |
| | (number of) degrees of freedom (physics and statistics) | |
| | difficulty / degree of difficulty or ease | |
| | diploma (for a degree) / degree certificate | |
| | master's degree | |
| | (PRC) (since 1985) graduation certificate, which certifies that the student has graduated, but not necessarily met all requirements to be awarded a degree certificate 學位證書|学位证书 / (1981-1985) graduation certificate, which certified that the student graduated, and, if it included a final sentence indicating a degree type, also certified that the student met all the requirements for a degree | |
| | higher education record / record including Master's or Doctoral degree | |
| | (coll.) attractiveness (as a potential boyfriend) / degree to which one is "boyfriend material" | |
| | PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy) / also abbr. to 博士學位|博士学位 | |
| | absolute (not liable to comparative degree) | |
| | thermodynamic temperature scale (in degrees Kelvin, measured above absolute zero) | |
| | dual degree (academic) | |
| | to study (in an academic program); to pursue (a degree) | |
| | degree of satisfaction | |
| | M.Sc. (Master of Science degree) | |
| | degree of stability | |
| | second (i.e. number two) / second time / twice / (math.) quadratic (of degree two) | |
| | five degrees / fifth (basic musical interval, doh to soh) | |
| | doctoral degree / PhD / same as Doctor of Philosophy 哲學博士學位|哲学博士学位 | |
| | (of a title, degree etc) illegitimately conferred | |
| | honorary degree / academic degree Honoris Causa | |
| | bachelor's degree | |
| | contrast (balance of black and white in TV screen setup) / degree of contrast | |
| | to study for a degree / to take a degree course | |
| | degree of support / percentage of vote | |
| | honorary degree / (U.K. etc) honours degree | |
| | Master's degree student | |
| | degrees Fahrenheit | |
| | reverse fault (geology) / compression fault, where one block pushes over the other at dip of less than 45 degrees | |