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  *张* | 张* | *张
surname Zhang
  *章* | 章* | *章
surname Zhang
Zhang Yang (1967-), PRC film director and screenwriter
  *漳* | 漳* | *漳
Zhang river in Fujian
History of the Ming Dynasty, twenty fourth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史, compiled under Zhang Tingyu 張廷玉|张廷玉 in 1739 during the Qing Dynasty, 332 scrolls
Ambush from Ten Sides (pipa solo piece) / House of Flying Daggers (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋)
Zhang county in Dingxi 定西, Gansu
square zhang (i.e. unit of area 10 feet square) / monastic room 10 feet square / Buddhist or Daoist abbot / abbot's chamber
Gang of Four: Jiang Qing 江青, Zhang Chunqiao 張春橋|张春桥, Yao Wenyuan 姚文元, Wang Hongwen 王洪文, who served as scapegoats for the excesses of the cultural revolution
  *仉* | 仉* | *仉
surname Zhang
lit. to drop a thousand zhang in one fall (idiom) / fig. (of business, popularity etc) to suffer a sudden, devastating decline / to take a dive
the world's first seismograph invented by Zhang Heng 張衡|张衡 in 132 / abbr. for 候風地動儀|候风地动仪
lit. to put Zhang's hat on Li's head / to attribute sth to the wrong person (idiom) / to confuse one thing with another
(lit.) Zhang Three and Li Four; (fig.) any Tom, Dick or Harry
Zhang Yi (1608-1695), prolific author and poet spanning interregnum between Ming and Qing
Zhang Ning (1975-), PRC female badminton player and Olympic gold medalist
Zhang Dejiang (1946-), PRC politician
Zhang Yi (-309 BC), political strategist of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家 during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)
Zhang Heng (78-139) great Han dynasty astronomer and mathematician
Zhang Hua (232-300), Western Jin writer, poet and politician / Zhang Hua (1958-1982), student held up as a martyr after he died saving an old peasant from a septic tank / other Zhang Hua's too numerous to mention
Zhang Jue (-184), leader of the Yellow turban rebels during the late Han
Zhang Bao (-184), leader of the Yellow Turban rebels during the late Han 漢朝|汉朝
Zhang Xu (probably early 8th century), Tang dynasty poet and calligrapher, most famous for his grass script 草書|草书
late Ming cultural renewal movement, led by Zhang Pu 張溥|张溥 and others
Zhang Dai (1597-c. 1684), late Ming scholar
Zhang Dan (1985-), Chinese figure skater
Zhang Qian (-114 BC), Han dynasty explorer of 2nd century BC
Zhang Bin (1979-), CCTV sports presenter
Zhang Yi (c. 3rd century), literary figure from Wei of the Three Kingdoms, other name 稚讓|稚让, named as compiler of earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia 廣雅|广雅 and several lost works
Zhang Pu (1602-1641), Ming dynasty scholar and prolific writer, proponent of 複社|复社 cultural renewal movement, author of Five tombstone inscriptions 五人墓碑記|五人墓碑记
Zhang Chang, official and scholar of the Western Han dynasty
Zhang Ji (767-830), Tang Dynasty poet
Zhang Xun (1854-1923), Qing loyalist general who attempted to restore the abdicated emperor Puyi 溥儀|溥仪 to the throne in the Manchu Restoration of 1917 張勳復辟|张勋复辟
Zhang Juzheng (1525-1582), Grand Secretary during the Ming dynasty, credited with bringing the dynasty to its apogee
Raise the Red Lantern (1991), movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋
Zhang Fei (168-221), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, famous as fearsome fighter and lover of wine
Jung Chang (1952-), British-Chinese writer, name at birth Zhang Erhong 張二鴻|张二鸿, author of Wild Swans 野天鵝|野天鹅 and Mao: The Unknown Story 毛澤東·鮮為人知的故事|毛泽东·鲜为人知的故事
Zhang Ziyi (1979-), PRC actress
Zhang Chunqiao (1917-2005), one of the Gang of Four
Zhang Zizhong (1891-1940), Chinese National Revolutionary Army general during the Second Sino-Japanese War
Zhengzitong, Chinese character dictionary with 33,549 entries, edited by Ming scholar Zhang Zilie 張自烈|张自烈 in 17th century
Zhang Yining (1981-), PRC female table tennis player and Olympic gold medalist
Zhang Zhizhong (1890-1969), National Revolutionary Army general
fig. a tree may grow a thousand zhang high, but its leaves return to their roots (proverb) / fig. everything has its ancestral home / in old age, an expatriate returns home
nine-tailed turtle of mythology / The Nine-tailed Turtle, novel by late Qing novelist Zhang Chunfan 張春帆|张春帆
Five tombstone inscriptions (1628), written by Zhang Pu 張溥|张溥
Liu Bei's five great generals in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, namely: Guan Yu 關羽|关羽, Zhang Fei 張飛|张飞, Zhao Yun 趙雲|赵云, Ma Chao 馬超|马超, Huang Zhong 黃忠|黄忠
the world's first seismograph invented by Zhang Heng 張衡|张衡 in 132
Four Great Painters of the Six Dynasties, namely: Cao Buxing 曹不興|曹不兴, Gu Kaizhi 顧愷之|顾恺之, Lu Tanwei 陸探微|陆探微 and Zhang Sengyou 張僧繇|张僧繇
Secret of the Magic Gourd (1958), prize-winning children's fairy tale by Zhang Tianyi 張天翼|张天翼
zhang (Chinese unit of length equal to 3⅓ meters)
Zhang San, name for an unspecified person, first of a series of three: 張三|张三, 李四, 王五 Tom, Dick and Harry / (dialect) wolf
Zhang Zhidong (1837-1909), prominent politician in late Qing
Zhang Zuolin (c. 1873-1928), warlord of Manchuria 1916-1928
Zhang Sengyou (active c. 490-540), one of the Four Great Painters of the Six Dynasties 六朝四大家
Zhang Guotao (1897-1979), Chinese communist leader in the 1920s and 1930s, defected to Guomindang in 1938
Chang Dai-chien or Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), one of the greatest Chinese artists of the 20th century
Zhang Tianyi (1906-1985), children's writer, author of prize-winning fairy tale Secret of the Magic Gourd 寶葫蘆的秘密|宝葫芦的秘密
Zhang Tailei (1898-1927), founding member of Chinese communist party
Zhang Xueliang (1901-2001) son of Fengtian clique warlord, then senior general for the Nationalists and subsequently for the People's Liberation Army
lit. the Zhangs are better off than the Lis (idiom); to gossip about the neighbors
Zhang Tingyu (1672-1755), Qing politician, senior minister to three successive emperors, oversaw compilation of History of the Ming Dynasty 明史 and the Kangxi Dictionary 康熙字典
Zhang Zhixin (1930-1975) female revolutionary and martyr, who followed the true Marxist-Leninist line as a party member, and was arrested in 1969, then executed in 1975 after opposing the counterrevolutionary party-usurping conspiracies of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, and only rehabilitated posthumously in 1979
Zhang Zeduan (1085-1145), Song dynasty painter
Zhang Yizhi (-705), Tang dynasty politician and favorite of Empress Wu Zetian 武則天|武则天
Zhang Chunfan (-1935), late Qing novelist, author of The Nine-tailed Turtle 九尾龜|九尾龟
Zhang Xianzhong (1606-1647), leader of a late-Ming peasant revolt
Zhang Wentian (1900-1976), CCP party leader and theorist
Zhang Zilie (1597-1673), Ming dynasty scholar, author of Zhengzitong 正字通
Zhang Ruoxu (c. 660-720), Tang dynasty poet, author of yuefu poem River on a spring night 春江花月夜
Zhang Yinhuan (1837-1900), late Qing politician and senior Chinese diplomat
Zhang Yimou (1950-), PRC film director
Zhang Jingchu (1980-), PRC actress
lit. Zhang Fei fights Yue Fei / fig. an impossible combination / an impossible turn of events (idiom)
Zhang Gaoli (1946-), PRC politician
Oath of the Peach Garden, sworn by Liu Bei 劉備|刘备, Zhang Fei 張飛|张飞 and Guan Yu 關羽|关羽 at the start of the Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义
lit. just because Zhang the butcher dies, doesn't mean we'll have to eat pork mixed with bristles (idiom) / fig. nobody is indispensable
book by Han dynasty astronomer Zhang Heng
Curse of the Golden Flower (2007), period drama movie by Zhang Yimou
water-driven armillary sphere (Zhang Heng's famous astronomical apparatus)
White Tiger Hall, a Han dynasty palace hall in which the famous Virtuous Discussions Held in White Tiger Hall 白虎通德論|白虎通德论 were held under the aegis of Han Emperor Zhang 漢章帝|汉章帝
Zhang Shizhao (1881-1973), revolutionary journalist in Shanghai, then established writer
Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution
Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution
School of Diplomacy of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) whose leading advocates were Su Qin 蘇秦|苏秦 and Zhang Yi 張儀|张仪
Qing's 1903 suppression of revolutionary calls in newspaper 蘇報|苏报, leading to imprisonment of Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 and Zou Rong 鄒容|邹容
Shao Piaoping (1884-1926), pioneer of journalism and founder of newspaper Beijing Press 京報|京报, executed in 1926 by warlord Zhang Zuolin 張作霖|张作霖

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