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table / desk / CL: 張|张,
  *表* | 表* | *表
exterior surface / family relationship via females / to show (one's opinion) / a model / a table (listing information) / a form / a meter (measuring sth)
  *檯* | 檯* | *檯
desk; table; counter
  *板* | 板* | *板
board / plank / plate / shutter / table tennis bat / clappers (music) / CL: 塊|块 / accented beat in Chinese music / hard / stiff / to stop smiling or look serious
  *行* | 行* | *行
row / line / commercial firm / line of business / profession / to rank (first, second etc) among one's siblings (by age) / (in data tables) row / (Tw) column
form; table / CL: 張|张,
  *列* | 列* | *列
to arrange / to line up / file / series / (in data tables) column / (Tw) row
  *檔* | 檔* | *檔
(bound form) shelves (for files); pigeonholes / (bound form) files / crosspiece (of a table etc) / (bound form) (of goods) grade / vendor's open-air stall / (Tw) timeslot for a show or program / classifier for shows / classifier for events, affairs etc / Taiwan pr. [dang3]
the charts (of best-sellers) / table of ranking
desk lamp / table lamp
dining table; dinner table / CL: 張|张
HSK 7-9
catalog / table of contents / directory (on computer hard drive) / list / contents
HSK 7-9
  *譜* | 譜* | *譜
chart / list / table / register / score (music) / spectrum (physics) / to set to music
HSK 7-9
  *涮* | 涮* | *涮
to rinse / to trick / to fool sb / to cook by dipping finely sliced ingredients briefly in boiling water or soup (generally done at the dining table)
HSK 7-9
table tennis / ping-pong / table tennis ball / CL: 個|个
HSK 7-9
to solve a case / shabby old table
HSK 7-9
cupboard / cupboard that can also be used as a table / sideboard
  *案* | 案* | *案
(legal) case / incident / record / file / table
long table; counter / (coll.) case (criminal, medical etc); matter; project; job
to batter / combo (hit) (gaming) / (volleyball, table tennis etc) double hit / double contact
table tennis / table tennis ball (Tw) / billiards / pool / snooker (HK, Singapore, Malaysia)
table; schedule; list
  *桌* | 桌* | *桌
table / desk / classifier for tables of guests at a banquet etc
rotating stage / swivel table
back door; back gate / (fig.) back-door influence; under-the-table dealings / anus / (computing) backdoor
small side table / coffee table / teapoy (ornamental tripod with caddies for tea)
chairs and tables / household furniture
to eat individual meals (rather than taking one's food from plates served to everyone at the table)
statistical table / chart
mnemonic chant / rhyme for remembering (arithmetic tables, character stroke order etc)
table of contents
round table
  *几* | 几* | *几
small table
periodic table (chemistry) / abbr. of 元素週期表|元素周期表, periodic table of the elements
table salt
dining table
outer area (of a place that has an inner area) / dining area of a restaurant (as opposed to the kitchen) / outfield (baseball etc) / area outside a venue (e.g. exterior of a stadium) / field (maintenance, testing etc) / (Chinese opera) the area in front of the table on the stage
speedometer / stopwatch / cyclocomputer / (computing) code table
superorder (taxonomy) / catalog / table of contents
summary table
sand table (military) / 3D terrain (or site) model (for real estate marketing, geography class etc) / sand tray (on which to write characters)
round table conference
to slap the table in amazement (idiom); wonderful! / amazing!
to pull back / to regain (one's dignity etc) / to recover from (an adverse situation) / to turn the tables
old-fashioned square table to seat eight people
lit. slap the table and shout with praise (idiom); fig. wonderful! / amazing! / great!
lit. deal sincerely and fairly (idiom); frank and open-minded / plain speaking / Let's talk frankly and openly between ourselves. / to put one's cards on the table
table (for games using balls)
statistical tables and reports
desk / (pool etc) table
statistical form / book of tables or forms
lit. clear window and clean table (idiom) / fig. bright and clean
(table tennis) edge ball / (fig.) actions that are technically legal but perhaps not respectable
periodic table of the elements (chemistry)
communal dining where one takes one's food from dishes served to everyone at the table (contrasted with 分餐)
revolving tray on a dining table / lazy Susan
multiplication table
long narrow table
to show one's hand / to lay one's cards on the table
Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834-1907), Russian chemist who introduced the periodic table
salt (colloquial) / table salt
truth table
long narrow table
(onom.) rattle / clatter / (sports) ping-pong / table tennis
lit. to stop the enemy at the banquet table / fig. to get the better of an enemy during diplomatic functions
inner area (of a place that has an outer area) / the kitchen of a restaurant (as opposed to the dining area) / infield (baseball etc) / (Chinese opera) the area behind the table on the stage
table knife / dinner knife
lit. clear window and clean table (idiom); fig. bright and clean (room)
  *肵* | 肵* | *肵
boundary stone / table marking border
to plan a military mission on a sand table (idiom) / to rehearse a planned action or activity / to conduct a dry run
multiplication tables / (fig.) plan / scheme
crumbs from the table of one's master / castoffs / bits of rubbish / idle talk / casual remarks
(idiom) to slam the table and rise to one's feet in indignation
lit. to slap the table (in amazement, praise, anger, resentment etc) / fig. astonishing!, wonderful!, dreadful! etc
to fill sb in (on the details of sth) / to put all one's cards on the table
on the table / fig. everything open and above board
table manners
to sit at a table with others with whom one is unacquainted
mahjong table; card table; gambling table; gaming table
refined salt / table salt
Wang Nan (1978-), female PRC table tennis player, Olympic medalist
Qiao Hong (1968-), former PRC female table tennis player
to place (food) on the table / to sit down to eat (at the dining table)
billiards table
to flip a table over (in a fit of anger) / (at a restaurant) to turn over a table (i.e. to complete a cycle from the seating of one group of diners until the arrival of another group at the same table)
table vinegar
paper hot pot (hot pot using a single-use pot made of Japanese washi paper with a special coating to prevent burning and leaking, used for cooking at the dining table)
league table / roll of honor
Slapping the Table in Amazement (Part I), first of two books of vernacular stories by Ming dynasty novelist Ling Mengchu 凌濛初|凌蒙初
comparison table
better kept under the table (idiom) / not to be disclosed / too inferior to show in public
covert activities (election rigging etc) / under-the-table manipulations / black operations
medal table / tally of trophies / list of prizewinners
Wang Liqin (1978-), former PRC table tennis player, Olympic medalist
table turnover rate (in a restaurant)
conference table
table salt
table-tennis table

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