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to request / to require / requirement / to stake a claim / to ask / to demand / CL: 點|点
military skill or technique (in former times) / all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development) / self-defense / tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage) / also called kungfu 功夫 / CL: 種|种
  *攀* | 攀* | *攀
to climb (by pulling oneself up) / to implicate / to claim connections of higher status
HSK 7-9
to be known as; to be nicknamed / to be purportedly / to claim (often exaggeratedly or falsely)
HSK 7-9
to claim / to state / to proclaim / to assert
HSK 7-9
to ask for compensation / to claim damages / claim for damages
HSK 7-9
to call oneself / to claim to be / to profess / to claim a title
HSK 7-9
to assert / to claim
HSK 7-9
to believe (what sb claims) (usually used in the negative) / (math.) confidence (interval etc)
to claim (as one's property) / to adopt (a child) / to accept (an illegitimate child as one's own)
Shu Han (c. 200-263), Liu Bei's kingdom in Sichuan during the Three Kingdoms, claiming legitimacy as successor of Han
to settle a claim / claims settlement / payment of claims
(medicine) to complain of; a patient's brief account of their illness / (law) main suit; principal claim
staking a claim to territory / enclosure
Diaoyu Islands, located between Taiwan and Okinawa, controlled by Japan – which calls them the Senkaku Islands – but claimed by China
to claim; to pretend
Diaoyu Islands, claimed by China but controlled by Japan as the Senkaku Islands, also called the Pinnacle Islands
to obtain by impersonation / to falsely claim as one's own
social climbing / to claim connections with people in higher social class
lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom) / fig. unfounded (story) / baseless (claim)
to claim / to insist
peer competition / to function as rivals / to make claims as an equal
to claim credit for oneself
to plead / to claim as an excuse
(idiom) to make far-fetched claims; to offer outlandish explanations
to claim credit for other people's achievements (idiom)
to usurp / to claim unjustly / to expropriate
not to claim personal credit for achievement (idiom)
to claim falsely (literary)
to claim credit due to others
to claim falsely
to put on theatrical makeup / (neologism c. 2014) to debunk sb's claim; to put egg on sb's face
Arunachal Pradesh, a state of India in the northeast of the country, occupying an area claimed by China in an ongoing sovereignty dispute
to claim credit due to others; to appropriate others' credit or honor
to claim a credit against / tax reduction
to claim ownership (of stolen goods)
both sides claim they're right (idiom)
rushing to stake one's claim in new markets (idiom)
to launch a satellite / (fig.) (neologism during the Great Leap Forward, c. 1958) to achieve prominent success / (later used sarcastically) to make exaggerated claims / to talk big
claim to rights (copyright, patent etc)
anti-secession law of 2005 (whereby PRC claims the right to invade Taiwan)
deductible (the part of an insurance claim paid by the insured) / (UK English) excess
to have benefited from sth but pretend otherwise / to claim to be hard done by, even though one has benefited
to make a claim (for damages etc)
(idiom) to use claims to kinship or friendship to climb socially
Niu'e Reef, disputed territory in the South China Sea, claimed by China, Vietnam and the Philippines, aka Whitsun Reef or Julian Felipe Reef
to make a formal request / formal request / to make a claim (law)
a death claimed to be a suicide by the authorities
expense claim form

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