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question / interrogation / doubt
to doubt (sth); to be skeptical of / to have one's doubts; to harbor suspicions; to suspect that
undoubtedly; without doubt; for sure
to call into question / to question (truth or validity)
HSK 7-9
a doubtful point
HSK 7-9
to hesitate
HSK 7-9
suspicious / dubious
HSK 7-9
hesitation / misgivings / doubt
HSK 7-9
suspicion / to have suspicions
HSK 7-9
to doubt / to distrust / unconvincing / to puzzle over / misgivings / suspicions
HSK 7-9
half doubting / dubious / skeptical
HSK 7-9
to be suspected to be
to answer questions (as teacher or consultant) / to clarify doubts
without the slightest hesitation
  *疑* | 疑* | *疑
(bound form) to doubt; to suspect
a doubtful point
suspicion / to suspect
dubious or hard-to-treat cases (medicine) / hard cases
hard to understand / difficult to deal with / knotty / complicated
half believing, half doubting / skeptical
certainty / without a doubt
to doubt; to suspect
to resolve a doubt
a haze of doubts and suspicions
question (grammar) / interrogative sentence
to hesitate
a suspect
doubts and suspicions / a maze of doubts / puzzle / mystery
cannot be doubted (idiom)
interrogative pronoun (誰|谁, 什麼|什么, 哪兒|哪儿 etc)
to dispel doubts / to clear up difficulties
a doubtful case / a controversy
(literary) doubts / suspicions / cause for suspicion
to believe firmly without any doubt (idiom) / absolute certainty about sth
knotty problem / intractable difficulty
to suspect / to have misgivings / suspicious / misgivings
mistrustful; suspicious; paranoid
to dispel doubts
cannot be doubted (idiom)
a diversion / a feint attack to mislead the enemy
to suspect everyone / overly suspicious
to doubt
jealousy / suspicious and jealous
troops deployed to mislead the enemy
to dispel doubts / to remove ambiguities
hypochondriasis / hypochondria / also written 疑病
a hard legal case to judge
a suspect
variant of 猶疑|犹疑
a suspect
to be suspicious
to suspect
will die for sure; to be a goner
skeptic / suspecter
without the slightest doubt
suspected of murder / criminal suspect
ignorant / doubt stemming from ignorance / (a summer insect has no word for ice, Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)
to be suspected of
a suspect
trouble shooting / solution to difficulties
suspect (in criminal investigation)
(idiom) to solve a problem / to resolve a difficult issue

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