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  *做* | 做* | *做
to make; to produce / to write; to compose / to do; to engage in; to hold (a party etc) / (of a person) to be (an intermediary, a good student etc); to become (husband and wife, friends etc) / (of a thing) to serve as; to be used for / to assume (an air or manner)
to accomplish / to achieve
to prepare a meal / to cook
way of handling sth / method for making / work method / recipe / practice / CL: 個|个
to be a guest or visitor
to dream / to have a dream / fig. illusion / fantasy / pipe dream
to do business
HSK 7-9
variant of 作證|作证
HSK 7-9
to have something made to order
HSK 7-9
to act in a play / to put on a play
to put one's hand to sth / to set about / skillful hands / worker / writer
happy to partake but not prepared to do any work (idiom) / all take and no give
to work / to handle matters / to have a job
to go to extremes / to leave no room for maneuver
to conduct oneself / to behave with integrity
to make to order / to have sth made to order
to work with one's hands / manual work / workmanship
to start a new life; to make a fresh start
to treat as / to regard as / to look upon as
to be called; to be known as
to cook / cooking
lit. the raw rice is now cooked (idiom); fig. it is done and can't be changed / It's too late to change anything now. / also written 生米煮成熟飯|生米煮成熟饭
to study / to engage in scholarship
arrogant; to put on airs / (business etc) to expand; to enlarge; to do sth on a big scale
keep silent / not say a word
to put out / to issue
to become related by marriage / to marry
to make an issue of sth / to fuss / to make a song and dance
to buy and sell / to do business / to trade / to deal
(physics) to do work / non-vocal acting (in traditional Chinese opera)
to make a big fuss over a minor issue (idiom)
to feel guilty as a thief (idiom); to have sth on one's conscience
to redo
lit. to work like an ox, to work like a horse; fig. to work extremely hard
lit. as a monk for today, toll today's bell (idiom) / fig. to do one's job mechanically / to hold a position passively
affected / artificial
to work / to do manual labor
to undertake / to take on (i.e. to accept a task)
to kill / to get rid of / (sports) to defeat / to eliminate
to daydream / to indulge in wishful thinking
to do a favor to sb
thrifty / economical
to act as host
to celebrate a birthday (of an elderly person)
to worship; to pray (esp. in a regular religious gathering at a church or mosque)
to be all talk and no action
to become a concubine
to practice (work skills)
to celebrate a child reaching the age of one month
(idiom) to be all talk and no action; to preach what one does not practice
to do needlework
to speak / to emit sound
daring to act and courageous enough to take responsibility for it / a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his actions / the buck stops here
to win honor / to put on a stern face / to have a facial (beauty treatment)
an honest person does not act surreptitiously (idiom)
to liken to / to compare to
to manipulate dishonestly; to tamper with sth
to take an official post / to become a government employee
to play tricks / to cheat / to get up to mischief / to become a ghost / to give up the ghost
to regard as / to look upon as
to act as / used erroneously for 作為|作为
to celebrate a birthday / to give a birthday party
to pull a face / to grimace / to scowl
daring to act and courageous enough to take responsibility for it (idiom) / a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his actions / the buck stops here
to work for a living (esp. of woman needleworker) / life of a group of stones in Go 圍棋|围棋
way of doing sth / behavior / to act in an affected manner / mannerism / gestures in opera
to act as go-between (between prospective marriage partners etc)
to make love
to be called / to be known as
variant of 作主
(in the game of Go) to make an "eye" / to serve as eyes and ears (i.e. go and seek out information); to be a scout
to persuade using all possible arguments (idiom); to act good cop and bad cop in turn
to give sb a meaningful look
to put on an act (idiom); to pose / to show theatrical affectation / to indulge in histrionics
to put on an act (idiom); to pose / to show theatrical affectation / to indulge in histrionics
to make an error
He who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night. / Rest with a clear conscience.
to do exercises / to do gymnastics
to finish / to complete the task
to be called / to be referred to as
to set up a teammate (with an opportunity to score) / to throw a game
(slang) (of a woman) to work as a prostitute
(idiom) to mistake good intentions for ill will
(slang) (of a man) to work as a prostitute
to sell short (finance)
to pray
to tailor-make / tailor-made / tailored to / customized
to do one's work / to work on sb / to try to persuade sb
to be oneself
to have nothing to do / to have time on one's hands
lit. either don't do it, or don't rest (idiom) / fig. if you do it at all, you may as well go the whole hog / in for a penny, in for a pound
he who never wrongs others does not fear the knock in the night; you can rest with a clear conscience
to keep sb company / to accompany
erhua variant of 做伴
to practice (work skills)
to prepare a crib sheet / to crib / to cheat by copying
market maker
(jocular) to sleep on the couch; to sleep in the living room

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